Francisco Javier Carrillo Gamboa

Javier has been passionate about knowledge as a lever for human development. Recognized internationally as a leader in knowledge management and knowledge-based development, founded in 1992 the Center of Knowledge Systems of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, where he currently heads the Strategic Research Group on Knowledge Society.

Günter Koch

Günter R. Koch, is a German computer expert, business consultant, research and project manager. Koch has about 100 written publications, including several books, the "Introduction to Computing". He was co-author and editor of the National Report of the new club from Paris to Austria under the title of "transformation of Austria into a knowledge society", among others.

Alex Bennet

Co-founder of the Search Mountain Institute (MQI), she is affiliated with several US universities, is a professor at the University of Bangkok, and is part of the international "KM Dream Team" Program of Management of Knowledge and Innovation. LaDra. Bennet served as the chief knowledge officer for the Department of the Navy (DON)

Surinder. Batra

PhD: IIT Delhi, 1995, MBA Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, New Delhi, 1980. His researches mostly deal with Strategic Information Systems; Business Consulting & IT; Emerging Technologies. Knowledge Management; Based on Knowledge Rural Development Innovation; Capacity building; Entrepreneurship.

Jay Chatzkel

Progressive main practice, where it helps organizations transform themselves into knowledge-based businesses. He is a member of the writing boards of the Journal of Knowledge Management, the Journal of Intellectual Capital and the International Journal of Knowledge Development and has written extensively in the field.

Tan Yigitcan Lar

Associate Professor, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. He has been responsible for research, education, training and training programs in the field of urban and regional planning. His main topic of interest is Knowledge Based Urban Development and Cities of Knowledge. Editor-in-chief of the "International Review of Knowledge Development and Sustainable and Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Section". He has published numerous articles with the following fundamental reference books: "Technology and the City (Routledge, 2016)", "Knowledge and the City" (Routledge, 2014), among others.

Blanca C. García

Associate Professor of the Northern Border College, Department of Public Administration Studies and Knowledge Cities Benchmarking - Institutional capacity building. Blanca is passionate about learning as a process that triggers collective development. His main research topics are Social Policy, Human Resources, Governance, Development Studies, Social Capital, Theory of Human Development, Social Change and Institutions.

Cathy Garner

Dr. Cathy Garner has a lifelong commitment to understanding and guiding social and economic improvement through innovation. With an honors degree and a doctorate in urban geography from the University of Edinburgh, Cathy has focused her academic and public political career on the issues of urban centers. More recently, he led the successful association of Manchester Knowledge Capital as its chief executive for six. She has served as a board member of the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) in the USA. And was his inauguration the vice president of International Relations. She is a member of the Royal Statistical Society and a member of the Royal Society for the Arts.

Andreas Brandner

Founder and CEO of KMA; Coach, consultant and researcher in the field of GC. Focus on knowledge Policy, management strategies and implementation, and Knowledge Network with social media. Initiator of Vienna.Knowlege.City. Member of the new club Paris.